Grow Gratitude

"If the only prayer you say in your
entire life is- "thank you"- that is enough "
-Meister Eckhart (1260-1328)

"Gratitude is the highest expression of love."

Every time you feel grateful about something you are giving love and love is the most powerful force in the universe.  

Whether you are giving thanks to a person, being thankful about your home, money, food, water, relationships, events, circumstances, you're giving love for those things, and you will receive back more happiness, health, opportunities and incredible experiences.

When you're grateful for the things you have right now, no matter how small they may be, you will receive more of those things. If you're grateful for your relationship, even if it's not perfect, the relationship will get better. If you're grateful for your studies, even if you don't score good, your scores will get better. Gratitude can be a great multiplier of your life. It can change your life forever. 

Gratitude only begins with two words ~thank you~ The more you start to say thank you, the more you will feel it and the more you will receive love. Be grateful for everything you've received in your past, be grateful for everything you're receiving in your present, be grateful for everything you want in your life. Say thank you and be grateful.

If you use gratitude a little, your life will change a little. If you use gratitude everyday, your life will change in a better way you can hardly imagine now. It will lead to the most amazing days of your life. Gratitude will also multiply positive things in your life and eliminate negative things. No matter what negative situation you find yourself in, you can always find something to be grateful for, and as you do, that eliminates negativity. 

Say thank you for all the good things you're getting. Say thank you for the things happening around you. Say thank you for every small thing. When you hear your favorite song on the radio, when you get your favorite book or shoes, when you find an empty seat on a public transport, say thank you. These are all the opportunities life is giving you to thank all the good things. 

"Gratitude makes sense of your past, brings 
peace for today and creates a vision for 
-Melody Beattie 
Give thanks for your sense organs, for yours eyes, for the ears, for your nose, for your tongue and for your skin, be thankful. Give thanks for your internal organs, your heart, your brain, your lungs, your liver, your kidneys. Be thankful for your body and it's incredible functions. You are a gem!

To grow gratitude, practice it. The more you will feel gratitude, the more you will give love; and the more love you give, the more you receive. 

Are you grateful for your job when your salary is credited? Are you grateful for your health when it's good? Are you grateful for your loved ones when everything is going great? Are you grateful to be alive each day?  Every second is an opportunity to be grateful and multiply the things you love. 

Gratitude costs you nothing. It helps you to overcome the most difficult things in your life. Be grateful, Be thankful - Grow Gratitude. 



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