Law of Attraction

"To every action there is an    
equal and opposite reaction"
-Isaac Newton

"The law of attraction is the law of love."

 In universal terms, the law of attraction says: like attracts   like. In simple words: what you give out, you receive back.   What you give out in your life is what you receive back.   Whatever you give, by the law of attraction, is exactly what   you attract back to yourself. 

 Whatever you give out in life, must return to you. It is the   physics and the mathematics of the universe. If you give   positivity, you receive many positive things and if you give   negativity, you receive many negative things. You give   negativity and positivity through your thoughts and feelings!

 In any moment, you're giving either positive thoughts or   negative thoughts. All the people, circumstances and events   that make up every moment of your life are being attracted back to you through the thoughts and feelings you are giving out. Life doesn't just happen to you; you receive everything in your life based on what you've given. 

You are creating your life with your own thoughts and feelings. Whatever you feel creates everything. If you feel, "I'm depressed and failing in life," then you will attract back to you all people, circumstances and events that will make your life more depressing and you will fail again and again. 

If you think and feel, "I'm very enthusiastic and doing great in life," then you will attract back to you all people, circumstances and events that will fill your life with more enthusiasm and great things. 

"All that we are is the result of
what we have thought"

It's your thoughts that determine whether your words and actions will be positive or negative. Your thoughts are positive when they are thoughts of what you love and what you want. Your negative thoughts are thoughts of what you don't love and what you don't want. 

Whatever you want in your life, you want it because you love it. Take a moment and think about it. You don't want things you don't love, do you? Every person only wants what they love; nobody wants what they don't love.

It's impossible to have great life without love. People who have a great life always feel and think positive and love the things they want. The word love can weight all the love and pain of your life.  

Just talk about everything you love. When you talk about your failing relationship, frustrating job, an illness, you are not talking about what you love. Talking about your bad day, less salary or illness are talking about what you don't love. There are many little things happen each day; but you have to think and talk about the things you love the most. 

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.....nothing is impossible for the force of love. No matter who you are, no matter what situation you may be facing, the force of love can set you free .

Think Positive, Be Positive: that's how LAW OF ATTRACTION works. 



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